Monday, March 2, 2009

Using SlideShare to Post Presentations

Have you heard of SlideShare? SlideShare
SlideShare is a way to share and find presentations. You can then embedded the code. Here is a thought provoking presentations on IWB's (Interactive White Boards) and Interaction. Use the controls under the window to navigate.

Although this class is focusing on SMART Boards, I am modeling Web 2.0 tools (blogs, youtube/teachertube, slideshare, etc) as tool that teaching and learning. This way the materails are online, at your finger tips for you to use in class.


  1. If you are going to embed slideshows in a blog,then you need a blog template that is wide enough to hold them comfortably. Even better, a lot of care needs to be taken to have the right kind of presentation. Presentations cannot be wordy with lots of small print. When you have a lot of small print and then put it in a slideshow that is smaller than an index card's width - it just doesn't cut it.

    I'm saying this from a design point of view with the end-user in mind.

    Presentations should be short on words and fonts should be large. Their container should be suitably large as well.

  2. Hi Mary,
    I had the opportunity to watch the quick video clips of resizing magnifier, the smart board demo, and the 30 sec. tip for entering text. I do find these quick bursts of information great. I am able to practice a few skills at a time. Very manageable. Also, the Blooms taxonomy clip was very thought provoking. Karen Rixford

  3. ahhhh I completely missed the little icon for turning this into full screen mode. Now the container is a much better size.

  4. Thanks Mary. Many of the links shared (other than the common) are new to me and if I hadn't seen the clip before it surely links to something I did not see yet.

    I am looking at the idea of a Technology PowerPoint to be "smartboarded" together by the students on their first few days of Tech Ed class. The target is Grade 6 - learn what technology is and the seven areas of technology. Also, learn PowerPoint and get a feel for the workings of the smartboard.

    Wish me luck!
