Thursday, February 17, 2011

SMART Wrap-up and upcoming classes

I hope everyone is feeling more confident using the SMART Board and SMART Notebook.
Many of you were able to successfully use download helper (add-on for Firefox) to download a YouTube video and insert into the SMART Notebook.  If you need to review the steps are linked in the previous post, under session three.

Upcoming Class - Glogster EDU -
1. March 1st, 8th, 14th and April 5th.
- Glogster Overview Link to YouTube for an overview
- Create your account *Make sure you used the EDU site  
- Installations required Flip Cameras, (PC moviemaker XP), Webcams / ipevo document camera  and skype

In March when we start the class I will post more information on my blog at  under the Glogster Tab

2. Learn about Social Networking and Web 2.0 (April - May)
    Dates: April 26th, May 3rd, 10th and 17th.

I will continue to post information to the blog for the class.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Session #3 - Wednesday - February 16th

I created this word cloud using Tagxedo using the words from the blog.
I was able to use the words from the class blog and pick from several shapes. 
Note: I did have to download some software from the website in order to make the image.

Assignment for Session #3 (Wednesday February 16th)
1. Create two basic lessons using the features covered in session 1  2.
2. Use the the LAT (Lesson Activity Toolkit) for an interactive activity.
3. Other Options reviewed in session 2 (SMART Recorder /pull tabs).
4. Explore the SMART Exchange and locate a notebook lesson for
   your class.
5. Interactive Websites and SMART training videos
6. Practice using the SMART Board in your classroom.
Other Topics to be covered:- Download YouTube videos as Flash files and Insert in Notebook
Watch how to add Firefox Video dowload helper (video, must be installed by system admin)
If you have you Firefox and the download helper installed you can download videos to incorporate into your notebook.  Save to a folder and from the SMART NoteBook Insert Menu -- Flash Video File.

Another option using Internet Explorer and  Zamzar which will allow you to download a video (wth lots of different formats).  Go to the site, click on the download tab enter the url of a video, pick .flv and your email address and click convert. You will be notified in email when the video is ready.
Here is an example of a Youtube Video on SMART
In the Notebook, click on the Insert Menu and Flash VIDEO file.

Topics for Session 3
Level 2 Book
1. Skype (download ) test on your home computer
    Note: district tech support will need to install (along with a webcam)
2. SMART Document Camera (tab in blog)
   - 101 Ways K-12 Teachers Use Document Cameras
3. Linking, Attachements and My Content
4. Recording
5. Floating Toolbar (Inkaware / Office)
6. Sharing of lessons created from session 2
7. Hands-on and questions

Other resources
-  SMARTboard Revolution Ning
-  SMART Training Videos 

Have a great week!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Session #2 - Wednesday February 9th

Session 2 - Learner Level 2
Review Setup (check Gallery, LAT/Flash)

Best Practices and tools
- Smart Exchange (Effective Lesson activities)

Stucturing and Organizing Lessons
- (Lesson Activity ToolKit Video  and pdf)

Adding style to lesson activities
- Review Office ink Aware

Build a Notebook lesson in class.
Assign a Notebook lesson for Session 3 (Feb. 16th)
- Building Interactive lessons activities
- Integrating rich meida into lesson activities

SMART Document Camera Education
Download (YouTube video using zamzar or firefox as .flv)

Friday, February 4, 2011

SMART Board Workshop - February 5th 2011 (Maynard) Session #1 Full Day

SMART Notebook software 10
Getting Started A summary of what’s new in SMART Notebook 10 materials.

A two Minute Tutorial Tutorial: SMART Notebook Software Basics
View each tutorial individually, or Watch the entire 30-minute overview  (Download Flash file – 113 MB).

SMART Notebook software 10 - Getting Started
Tutorial 1: Activation (See your district coodinator for the number)
Tutorial 2: Finding What You Need
Tutorial 3: The Ink Layer
Tutorial 4: Managing Pages
Tutorial 5: The Properties Tab
Tutorial 6: The Lesson Activity Toolkit
Tutorial 7: New Tools in SMART Notebook 10

The new 800 series board

Note: When connecting your laptop (Dell) to the board/projector you may be prompted to Press FN F8 key in order to have your image appear on the SMART Board.  The first time you connect the USB cable to the SMART Board you will be prompted to install the driver.  You should see a green light on your board.

Your Tech support department will download the Gallery and Lesson Activity Toolkit (with Flash) to your local laptop.

Refer to Learn Workbook Level 1 - Agenda (Session 1)
- Getting Started
- Basics for SMART NoteBook Software
- Objectis in the SMART Notebook Software
- Creating Interactive Lessons
- Other Quick Overview
   - (Lesson Activity ToolKit Video  and pdf) Test installation/Flash
   - SMART Exchange (locate lessons and ideas for your classroom)
   - (Note: Skip Ink Aware with Office until Session Two)

Note: Before Session 2 (Wed Feb 9th)
Tech Support - Download (Gallery, not on network drive) install LAT w/Flash
Review 30 Minute Overview (download)